ISSME 2023 Schedule                                                          


SUNDAY 6.25                         

14:00-16:00    ISSME Steering Committee Meeting                 

16:00-17:00    Registration                               

17:00 -19:00   JOINT SESSION with MayDay - Danielle Sirek, Roger Mantie, Gareth Dylan Smith, Christopher Cayari, and Evan Tobias  – The life, work, and music of Dr. Janice Waldron   


MONDAY 6.26                                                            

8:30-8:45        COFFEE, MORNING SNACKS                                                  

8:45-10:00      WELCOME                                                                                   

10:00-10:30    COFFEE BREAK                                               

10:30-11:00    Ed McClellan – Communities of Learning: The Core of Music Teacher Education                                        

11:00-11.30    Laia Pujol-Rovira – Disrupting class reproduction or reinforcing class antagonism? Interrogating community projects and classical music                                              

11:30-12:00    Jennifer Lang  – Newcomer youth music engagement: Launching language through music education                     

12:00-12:30    COFFEE BREAK                                                 

12:30-1300     Preston Wilson – Critical Race Theory: What’s It Doing in a Nice Field like Music Education?                            

13:00-13:30    Juliet Hess – The Imperative of Intersectionality in Music Education                                            

13:30-14:00    Anita Prest and Hector Vazquez  – Decolonizing and Indigenizing music teacher education through teachings of the grandmother drum                                    

14:00-15:30    LUNCH                                                

15:30-16:30    JOINT SESSION with MayDay - Roger Mantie – Intercultural Music Learning (on Western Terms)    

16:30-17:00    COFFEE BREAK                                               

17:00 -17:30   Alexandra Kertz-Welzel – Beware the aesthetic! About the transformative power of marginalized ideas in music education                                    

17:30-18:00    Anja Ballis – Teaching and Learning with XR – News dimensions in Music, Literature and Holocaust Education                               

18:00-18:30    Carol Frierson-Campbell – A Sociological Framework for Spatial Analyses of Institutional Musicking in Places of Conflict                                           

19:00   WELCOME CONCERT                      

TUESDAY 6.27                                                            

8:45-9:15        COFFEE, MORNING SNACKS                                                  

9:15-10:00      JOINT SESSION with MayDay –  Hildegard, Froehlich,  Alexandra Kertz-Welzel, and Anja Ballis – Critical and Utopian Thinking "in Concert:" A Conversation about Global Possibilities in Connecting Seemingly Divergent Music Education Theories and Practices             

10:00-10:30    COFFEE BREAK                                               

10:30-11:00    Kelly Bylica, Diana Hawley and Sophie Lewis – Walking on Eggshells: Music Educator Perceptions of Agency in Times of Surveillance                                               

11:00-11.30    Charlotte Storer – Gender, Conflict, and a Music Community of Practice: The Identity Construction Processes of Women in The Rana Choir in the Mixed City of Jaffa                     

11:30-12:00    Kyle Zavitz, Rhiannon Simpson and Ruth Wright – Turn and Face the Strange: Exploring Hysteresis and Potential for Change Through One Graduate Progressive Pedagogies Course                                           

12:00-12:30    COFFEE BREAK                                               

12:30-13:00    Juliana Cantarelli Vita and Joshua Russell – Community and activism: A survey of experience and musical impact of HONK! musicians                           

13:00-13:30    Amy Catron – Negotiating Community Music Facilitator Positionalities                                         

13:30-14:00    Austina Lee – Culturally Responsive Caring in High School Choir                                        

14:00-15:30    LUNCH                                                

15:30-16:30    KEYNOTE – Geoff Baker, Heloisa Feichas, Flàvia Narita, Sean Gregory – From social action through music to socially engaged music education: translation and exchange between Latin America and Europe              

16:30-17:00    COFFEE BREAK                                               

17:00- 17:30   Nan Qi – Music, Artistic Citizenship, and Ecology: An Autoethnographic Account                   

17:30-18:00    Scott Cowan – Re-learning to play: A doctoral student's journey into academia                                         

18:00-18:30    Isaac Raven – Animé Music Videos: Exploring Fandom Through Identity, Gender Fluidity, and a Sense of Belonging                                          

19:00   ISSME-MAYDAY  DINNER              

WEDNESDAY 6.28                                                                  

9:00-9:30        COFFEE, MORNING SNACKS                                                  

9:30-10:00      Larisa Skinner – Teaching music virtually: A qualitative study of the changing pedagogies of urban ensemble music teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic             

10:00-10:30    Emily Wilson & Pauline Black – Exploring an online collaborative digital composing project using Bernstein’s theory of the pedagogic device                                     

10:30-11:00    Rosalía Trejo León and Jusamara Souza – Formación en Investigación en Educación Musical desde la perspectiva de egresados de Programas de Maestría en Música en Brasil: aspectos teóricos-metodológicos                                     

11:00-11.30    Antonio Chagas Neto – Recorder teaching in undergraduate music courses in Brazil: interactions established in digital networks                                                                                                                                      

12:30-13:00    Cara Morantz and George Nicholson – The Gendered Geographies of Music Education       

Kelsey Nussbaum and Olivia Tucker  – Music Performance Assessments and the Transmission of Neoliberal Values in School Band and Orchestra                     

13:00-13:30    Virginia Davis  – The Only Woman: Why Are We Still Talking About Gender in Music Education?     

Rolando Alfredo Angel Alvarado – Capitalocene and music education: Socio-ecological and humanising perspectives            

13:30-14:00    Gareth Dylan Smith – Patriarchy, Peer Review and the Pretense of Solo Authorship in Music Education  

Jess Mullen & Antia Gonzalez Ben – Pandemic Profits: The Hidden Privatization of Canadian and U.S. Music Education            

14:00-15:30    LUNCH                                                

15:30 -16:00   William Coppola – Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives Fail: Institutional Vice Epistemology and Collective Responsibility in Schools of Music     

Hector Vazquez and Arisbe Martinez – Weaving knowledges and traditions: an immersive learning experience for music education students from the University of Veracruz with Huasteco culture

16:00-16:30    Danielle Sirek and Terry Sefton – A sociological study of arts education in Ontario faculties of education: Who is doing what? 

Jody Stark – When Contrasting Worldviews Meet: Challenges in Decolonizing and Indigenizing Music Education                    

16:30-17:00    Matias Recharte – Identities of Peruvian folk musicians

Flavia Motoyama Narita and Walter De Sousa Silva  Decolonising musical practices through audience engagement                 

17:00-17:30    Noel Allende-Goitía – El «Music Education» como paradigma neocolonial y la «Enseñanza Musical» como ideología hegemónica de clase: Las acciones del Music Education National Council como parte de la
geopolítica estadounidense en América Latina durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945)

Katie Tremblay – Indigenous Social Hand Drumming Initiative            

     DINNER ON YOUR OWN                                                        

THURSDAY 6.29                                                                      

9:00-9:30        COFFEE, MORNING SNACKS                                                  

9:30-10:00      Roger Mantie – Scottish Pipe Bands in Canada: Learning for Culture or Learning for Leisure?

Luis Arguello – ARS COMBINATORIA DESDE EL SON JAROCHO: Etnomatemáticas en las afinaciones de guitarra de son                      

10:00-10:30    Ailbhe Kenny – Music and Asylum Seeking: Alternative Spaces and Identities         

Rafael Figueroa – Son jarocho, expanded orality and the transmission of knowledge               

10:30-11:00    Olivia Tucker, Robert Jordan and George Nicholson – Navigating Competing Demands within Music Teacher Education: Biesta’s Three Domains of Educational Purpose           

Ran Jiang – A Structuralist Explanation Of the ‘Piano Craze’ Phenomenon In Contemporary China                  

11:00-11.30    Joseph Abramo – Music Education and Labor: Sociological Investigations       

Guillermo Rosabal-Coto, Carol Frierson-Campbell, Clare Hall, Sean Powell – Sociological Thinking in Music Education                  

11:30-12:00    COFFEE BREAK                                               

12:00-12:30    Karla Maria Reynoso Vargas and Carlos A. Acosta Media – Efectos de la violencia docente en músicos

Mandy Carver and Chritsine Carroll – Why knowledge matters in socially just music education: Finding curricular coherence for versatile musicians                

12:30-13:00    Karla Maria Reynoso Vargas and Carlos A. Acosta Media – Violencia docente en la educación musical universitaria

Terry Sefton – Lost in the Archives: Constructing a portrait of cellist Edward Culbreath                 

13:00-14:00     Down time             

14:00-15:30    LUNCH